Scott German cinema germ warfare ghosts giallo Godzilla Gregory Peck grindhouse grindhouse cinema H.P. DeMille Charles Bronson Charlton Heston children children's books China Christmas cinema clark gable clint eastwood Cold War comedy comic books crime Culture dance Dean Martin disaster films Disney Documentaries Doris Day drive-in cinema Drive-In Movies DVD Eartha Kitt Edgar Allan Poe education Ed Wood Eli Wallach Elvis Presley Entertainment erotica espionage Eurospy movies fantasy fay wray Federico Fellini Film Film Criticism film noir Film Reviews Films food football fRANKENSTEIN Frank Sinatra French cinema French movies Gary Oldman gene hackman George C.

Gordon biography black cinema Blaxploitation blogging blogs book reviews books Boris Karloff Boston Bo Widerberg films Brigitte Bardot British films Bruce Dern Burt Lancaster Canada cartoons Cecil B. To read the complete review, click the following link to: ģ-D MOVIES 1920's cinema 1930's movies 1940's movies 1950's cinema 1950's movies 1960's cinema 1960's movies 1970's cinema 1970's movies 1980's cinema 1980's movies 1990's movies acting Africa Alan Ladd Alfred Hitchcock Alistair MacLean Andy Warhol animation Annette Haven art house cinema Audie Murphy Audrey Hepburn ava gardner Barbra Streisand Bert I. With torture porn, supporters of the field find enjoyment in the masochistic endurance of viewing the elimination of human empathy from an exhibition of sadistic bloodletting, while critics may cluck their tongues at the moral superiority of castigating such extremes of acceptable human behavior (by both the audience and the film’s protagonists) which is far too easy a moral soapbox to mount as what is the difficulty or courage of judgment it takes to disapprove of rampant cold blooded carnage as entertainment? Extraordinarily grisly short film (part of a trilogy) that has been mistakenly (in perhaps the most indefensible case of wish fulfillment ever) cited as a work of art in some circles, (Then again, there was a point in time when “The Devil in Miss Jones” was favorable compared to Bergman instead of identified as the rank piece of pornography it is.) when in fact it is an obvious example of aesthetic judgment run berserk.